Roman Numerals to Number

This is a simple program that converts Roman numerals into their corresponding numbers. My inputs are always upper case and will always be in plural form. For example, if you enter III, I will return 3.

This is a  number converter. Input numbers in Roman Numerals and I will convert them to their respective numeric values.

I tcan only handle numbers up to five digits long, but I'm pretty fast at what I do!

In Roman numerals, numbers are written as sequences of symbols from a set consisting of I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. The number five is written as VV or as five depending on whether the Roman numeral is being used in a mathematical context where the meaning needs to be clear or in a text where style matters more than clarity; this was not always so and depends on which style guide one follows. In mathematics these notations are unambiguous but when reading ancient texts one must know whether the author is using a style that uses V for five or an older style that uses U for five. For example:

MCCCLXII = 602 would mean 600 + 2 = 602 (years)

MCMLXXXVII = 752 would mean 700 + 12 = 752 (years)

This is a  number converter. The input is written in Roman Numerals, and my output is written in normal numbers.

Jagannadh Silla

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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